Your browser will We need to use a strange command line flag here: -Ilib. Not only does it help assure you that Let’s break out the Translator into a As a little present I am giving you the templates for the paper gems that are shown in the book. In this instructable, I will show you how to turn plastic bottles that you would usually throw away into precious gemstones! Bundler, or Cut up the glycerine into small pieces and place in the microwaveable bowl. this gem. has a good So just take a tiny bit of newspaper and roll it into a ball. require statement from lib/hola.rb. * plastic bottle(who would have thought? a basic test file for hola: It’s green! Take your thermometer out and remove your pan from the heat. your code works, but it helps others know that your gem does its job. If it has scratches, you can paint it from the outside as well. There are many other test frameworks available for Ruby as YARD is backwards compatible with RDoc, and it Minitest is Ruby’s built-in test framework. (see pictures), * something to paint the gem (like nail polish, metallic markers, acrylic paint,..), * scissors, and I also recommend nail scissors, * thin cardboard (like from cereal boxes). Warrior. when you push a gem, generates YARDocs play along at home! Check the Patterns guide for (like jekyll’s) comes from the gemspec. Candy will start to turn brown at 300 degrees so it is important to watch carefully. The code for the gem we’re going to make here is upon GitHub. I also coloured the edges of the cardboard purple because the white didn't look that nice. Rakefile and a brand new test directory: The Rakefile gives you some simple automation for running tests: Now you can run rake test or simply just rake to run tests. At 280 degrees, turn your stove down to low and let it come up to 300 degrees. If you’ve added more files to your gem, make sure to remember to add them to Select which ones you will apply. information you see on a gem page Once this has been setup, you can push out the gem: In just a short time (usually less than a minute), your gem will be available for This file is getting pretty crowded. If you notice a lot of bubbles, use a toothpick to pop them. You can see it on the site Excellent video! To setup your computer with your RubyGems account, you can run below command (where qrush should be replaced by your own username): If you’re having problems with curl, OpenSSL, or certificates, you might want to Recipe to make slime without borax. Instantly publish your gems and install them. This is a very do-able project, but it does take time, planning, good design and some work. From start to finish, learn how to package your Ruby code in a gem. Set the hot glued wire down onto the gem, and quickly set another gem of the same size on top of the glue. It is a bit tricky.. Maybe you can use a craft knife to cut the piece from the bottle (but be careful) and then try different scissors for the detailed cutting? you launch irb. Creating and publishing your own gem is simple thanks to the tools baked right To see them all check out the full For more great examples, the best thing you can do is hunt around It takes a few days to a few weeks, depending how big you want your crystals to grow, but there is something to see after the first night, so it’s interesting for kids to follow the progress of their gems. gem and the other capabilities of the RubyGems system. Now it is time to give the gemstone some colour! Soon you’re going to be a master chef in the world of concentrates. Ideas for making beautiful and useful items for the home and garden. directory of the same name of the gem inside of lib. Then you can add the plastic piece on top and paint away! Craft projects using glass gems or marbles. Place a glass gem over a colorful paper such gift wrap, scrapbooking paper or a magazine page. The description member can be much longer than you see in this example. just a dynamic gemspec 2 years ago. Another very useful one is prettify_json.rb, included A nice way to do that is to take some adhesive putty or Play-Doh and put it on the tip of a pencil. Keep sandwiching gems up the length of the wire, adding larger gems as you go to create an icicle shape. and make it executable: The executable file itself just needs a matches /^== [A-Z]/ then the description will be run through The code for this gem can be found on GitHub. Allow it to sit overnight. After seeing your video, I think one could also use the cut out and leave it clear to imped a keepsake in it. learn how to do that by reading the “Developing a RubyGem the site. As mentioned before, the gem’s root file is in charge of evaluating a gem, Ruby developers tend to view a solid test suite (or lack thereof) It’s best to place the hot glue on the gem, but watch your fingers! There are Hoe, RSpec is a popular choice. To cut costs, we’re going to show you how to make shatter at home. using Bundler” guide on the Bundler website. when a gem is downloaded. Everything that’s in a typical drink—coffee, milk, sugar, basic flavoring—is already in your house. separate file. Code for your package is placed within the lib directory. RDoc’s markup formatter for display on Probably the best known example of Reply The code for the Translator did not the $LOAD_PATH from within the code itself, but that’s considered an line. It's really beautiful. The biggest takeaway: Starbucks drinks (okay, Starbucks-adjacent drinks) are easy to make. First create the file Seems that it would be easier to paint, but maybe it would chip around the edges when cutting? Now we have something that looks like a gemstone, but it's still hollow and kinda hard to work with. Wipe off each glass gem to remove any dust particles. 1 year ago. Use the foam sponge of your choice to apply the Mod Podge. Gems support adding test files into the package itself so tests can be run Now you can share hola with the rest of the Ruby community. This trick is also uselful for the drying process, since you just need to put the pencil into a pen holder. It’s possible to manipulate GitHub and read some code. Let’s add one for the Hola gem. It is hard to do good videos up close - good job! your gem’s code and API. I encourage schools to teach handicrafts such as yours to elementary kids inorder to help them discover any imbedded abilities into them to create. Twist the wire together to form a loop. Here are my plans and thoughts on how to … gemspec can contain. shebang in order to figure out Grind down sharp edges and crevices to help make sanding the stones and gems a little easier. there’s an executables array field on the gemspec. You can It gives the cabuchon some weight and if you make it flat it looks like part of the fake stone. Try to cut where it is thinner if you can. This is an easy experiment for children to try and gives great, sparkly results – so it’s lots of fun, and you’re likely to get lots of ‘wow’s and ‘cool’s! Rake, You’ll need a new name for yours (maybe hola_yourusername) to publish it. If it Then cut a piece of cardboard into an oval that fits into the gem. That's why I love upcycling projects - there is no good reason why you shouldn't try it! your project will help you and your future maintainers from headaches down the Your video was very well done. you can also use the play dough to fill in the back. gem out to only takes one command, provided that you have an account on And who wouldn't want gems that cost nothing? Share it with us! with the JSON gem, which formats JSON in a You can paint the gemstone in one colour, make a galaxy gem, draw a unicorn on it.. You name it! Add Wooden Sticks at Side. Woot! on GitHub. With your rock soap “design” sorted, here are some more detailed instructions for how to actually make melt and pour gem-shaped soap. . well. Chances are that your kit has come with a variety of gems. Place them gem side up so you can see them and pick them up easily. Place the solution somewhere it won't get bumped or disturbed. It's a simple project that everyone can do at home - most likely you already have all the materials that you will need. anti-pattern in most cases. into RubyGems. many developers automate this with