Oure language is also so dyuerse in it selfe that the commen maner of spekynge in Englysshe of some contre can skante [= scarcely] be vnderstondid in som other contre of the same lond (Lydgate, 1530) And certaynly our langage now vsed varyeth ferre [ far ] from that whiche was vsed and spoken whan I … Selection. British Library Board. Language Standardisation:Basque Recovery II. The Basque case study is significant not only for the fact that it is relatively recent but that it also reflects Milroy & Milroy’s conception that a language standard is not an end-product to be achieved, but rather, it is a process of development that the society embarks on. Located in northern Spain, the community saw themselves as autonomous given their diverse historical roots and cultural groups within the country. John Benjamins Publishing, 2004. Language educators were also deeply motivated to teach the standard Basque. LANGUAGE STANDARDIZATION HOW AND WHY Admilson F. S. Silva Luiz de Castro 2. Thus, keep in mind that language standardisation is a conscious course of development that produces both good and bad effects. Thus, we should remember that language standardisation is a process aimed at creating one standard, cohesive language in a society, although (due to the dynamic nature of society) it generally does not achieve this goal. These steps or stages in corpus development are also seen as paralleled by policy development, and some analysts enumerate these steps in language policy planning (Eastman 1983:12): . However, in 1977, almost 65.4% of publications complied with the standard guidelines. Primarily concerned with the evolution of specific human languages, standardisation can only occur when a socie… But when Charlemagne conquered his huge kingdom in 800, he brought in Alcuin from England. The confluence of diverse cultures and perspectives within a territory serves as one explanation for the evolution of language. The term standardization is generally used within linguistics to refer to the process of bringing about a standard language. Another quality of a good assessment is standardization. Actually, any language varies according to , the nature of the society, what kind of people, and their attitudes. Hence in 1919, a Basque Language Academy, Euskaltzaindia, was established with the primary aim of formulating a standardwritten language. (It is, of course, an open question as to how much, if any, standardization is really required. The basic objectives of the academy were: In a further effort to standardise the language of the country, Koldo Mitxelena proposed a set of guidelines for the new language standard in 1968. Language standardization is the process by which conventional forms of a language are established and maintained. The process of standardisation involves both ‘ruler-makers’ and ‘rule-breakers’; the former makes the rules for spelling and pronunciation, in addition to selecting/eliminating the meaning of commonly used words. For instance, the use of double negatives – ‘that won’t do you no good’ – is deemed confusing, redundant and incorrect by the masses. People expect their language to serve a role that is beyond communication. This essentially re-emphasises that language standardisation is a process, not an end-result. It is important to note that these stages are hypothetical, and can sometimes overlap with one another. First, he nominated the central dialect as the standard language of the country as he believed it to be “where the heart of [the] country is, and because it has played a dynamic role in the history of [their] literature” (Elkartea 32). Having earned a BA in linguistics some time ago, and having made use of a lot of linguistic information in 23 years as a speech/language therapist, I have to disagree with a number of others who have answered this question. Modern trends for standardization Current orthography represents two major centers of standardization: British and American English. 19. Although standardising language may improve efficiency for the general population, there will be some who fall short of this new-found utility. Language standardisation and language change: The dynamics of Cape Dutch. Fast-forwarding to the nineteenth century, the people pf Basque expressed an increasing desire to preserve the nation’s language culture with all its diversities. Once it has gained general approval, the standard language is rigorously maintained through several means. Some features of this site may not work without it. The standard language is a planned and designed unitary referential variant the purpose of which is to provide cultural, political, and social cohesion on the territory on which it is official. Leith, Dick. ... View Item; JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Codification:. Indeed, the process of standardisation is an on-goingone,and a whole range of forces are at work. Hence the prestige and legitimacy of a ‘standard’ does not in the first instance, as Prof Feng’s presentation put this kind of standardization policy in context, explaining that minority language standardization itself follows a standard (and not necessarily responsive) procedure in China. Chinese exists in a number of varieties that are popularly called dialects but that are usually classified as separate languages by scholars. Some might feel that the standard form of a society was chosen because it is superior to all other options. Ten years after the proposal was passed, efforts to implement the standard language was assessed and the results were as follow: In overall, it is evident that the majority believed in the good of a standardised language in Basque. What Is Koineization (or Dialect Mixing)? Crystal, David. language standardization, ther efore, is less about language itself as function and structure, than it is about ideologies and hegemonies about lang uage, or what is called “language ideology”. The effects of language standardization on acceptance and use are explored using the four constructs of Venkatesh et al.’s (2003) Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) – effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions – as a conceptual framework and guide in the analysis. Language standardization is often looked to by language communities as a means for language maintenance and strengthening cultural integrity, yet it may also contribute to varying degrees of linguistic discrimination and social conflict. In sociolinguistics, language variety—also called lect—is a general term for any distinctive form of a language or linguistic expression. Language standardisation begins by selecting one of the many forms of language that exist in a society to be the standard. Standardization, it is argued, is necessary in order to facilitate communications, to make possible the establishment of an agreed orthography, and to provide a uniform form for school books. Additionally, we must recognise that language standardisation also ensues in response to increasing trade and capitalism. Accessed 10 March 2017. For one, it was the Industrial Revolution – a period of great social, political, and economical change in Great Britain. The British standard held sway throughout the world until very recently, when some other countries began to first accept and then to teach American orthography and lexical choices. “Political correctness’: The politics of culture and language.” Discourse &. It can be argued quite reasonably that there is no real point in standardizing to the extent where, as is often the case in English-speaking communities, children spend many hours learning to spell in an exactly uniform manner, where any spelling mistake is the subject of opprobrium or ridicule, and where derivations from the standard are interpreted as incontrovertible evidence of ignorance.)". Establishing a standard language ultimately shapes the standard ‘reality’ of the people (Fairclough 203-4). He had stressed on the fact that “Basque should move towards unification, and unification should commence chiefly with matters of form” (Elkartea 36). In fact, we use language in many different ways, some of these are, the informational, the expressive, the directive, the phatic, the aesthetic. What is language standardisation? One point to note is that human language does not necessarily need to divide into different forms. Particularly the older, conservative delegates believed it to be a pointless addition of an alphabet that could not be pronounced (Elkartea 34). Dudley, Leon. In line with the said, the stands of several linguists about the a/s phenomena are presented as the Language standardisation, while useful and essential within a society, also has its drawbacks. Such networks proved particularly important for innovations requiring collaboration. We need not thinkof them as being chronological. Despite being associated with the upper class and being well-educated, most recent reports suggest that this form is practiced by a mere 2% of the population (British Library Board). Standardization may occur as a natural development of a language in a speech community or as an effort by members of a community to impose one dialect or variety as a standard. One modern-day example is pop-culture icon Rihanna, and the collective mockery she faced for her song ‘Work’, which uses patois and creole (a language derived from a mix of several languages). Psychology Press, 1997. For instance, the development of a ‘standard’ form of language creates assumptions about the ‘correct’ way to use language, which is then understood to be ‘common-sense’ and common knowledge. They believed that the promotion of the standard was “essential to turn Basque into a modern instrument”, 61% of the 196 Basque writers that were interviewed used the standard language in their writings for they believed in the “need to convert the language into an instrument of culture”. Standardization focuses on the product creation process, operations of businesses, technology in use, and how specific compulsory processes are instituted or carried out. This process brings to a language a uniformity and consistent norm and form of writing and speaking, and the promotion of uniformity and consistency usually entails the reduction or elimination of variation. STANDARDIZING? Among, 431 publications made between 1967 and 1977, only 3.3% of books published in 1967 had incorporated the new rules of spelling, declined and conjugated forms. A&C Black. The confluence of diverse cultures and perspectives within a territory serves as one explanation for the evolution of language. Dr. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks. Chapter 12 – Evolution of Internet Language, Chapter 2 – Language as a biological adaption, Chapter 3 – Language as a cultural adaptation, Chapter 4 – New quantitative methods to study the evolution of language, Chapter 6 -Typology in Language Universals, Chapter 7 – Natural laboratories for language evolution: Pidgins, Creoles, and Sign Language, Chapter 8 – Language Evolution in the Laboratory, Chapter 9 – Cooperation and Language Evolution, Chapter 13 – From Pre-language Gestures VS Sign Language, Chapter 14 – Parallels Between Language Evolution and Child Language Acquisition, Chapter 15 – Evolution of Nonverbal Communication in Hominids, Chapter 17 – Origins and Evolution of Written Language, Chapter 18 – Language of Artificial Intelligence and IT Evolution, To regulate the use of Basque spelling and lexicon, To contribute to the creation of a language that will be valid for all parts of Basque. Latin didn't diverge much till the end of the Roman empire in the fifth century, but then as it lived on as the spoken language throughout Europe, it began to diverge somewhat into multiple 'Latins.' What motivations were there for language standardisation? Standardization. The intentionality of reforming the spelling was not to simply standardise the language but to also unify all Basque under a common understanding. Standardization in language, as distinct from script or notation, comea out of these two features, variation in speech and association of language with overtones of social and personal origins. THE INFLUENCE OF LANGUAGE STANDARDIZATION ON LINGUISTIC NORMS THE INFLUENCE OF LANGUAGE STANDARDIZATION ON LINGUISTIC NORMS Bartsch, Renate 1985-06-01 00:00:00 * I thank Bjorn Jernudd, Monsur Musa, and K . Furthermore, it creates a sort of ignorance towards other dialects and ways of speaking. Instead of appointing one language form as the standard, Joanes Leizarrage developed a new language – one that was a combination of the various dialects he observed – that he believed would be understood by the general population (Elkartea 25). The growth in industrial technologies signified a great deal of cooperation between individuals of different skillsets, and effective collaboration could only occur when both parties speak and write the same standard language. It is an ongoing historical process that develops a standard written and oral language to be practiced by everyone in a society. Received Pronunciation. With that perspective, we shall move to a unique, nation-wide territory where smaller-scale language standardisation took place: Basque Country. Charlemagne mandated it for his whole empire. The first is an elaboration of function, where people of higher social standing perceive this language form to be more valuable and important than other variations. Authority In Language. "The interaction of power, language, and reflections on language inextricably bound up with one another in human history, largely defines language standardization. Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia, M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester, B.A., English, State University of New York. These discourses emphasize the desirability of uniformity and correctness in language use, the primacy of writing and the very idea of a national language as the only legitimate language of the speech community...", John E. Joseph, 1987; quoted by Darren Paffey in "Globalizing Standard Spanish." in aspects of writing, reading, and speaking), while 80% agreed that learning and using the standard Basque was necessary for work and for everyday life. Such system is then regarded as the absolute legitimate and “correct” standard of language, and hence, is esteemed above everyday speakers of the language. With every generation, new words are constantly invented and introduced into the language lexicon, which may then be taught to the next generation (Crystal 132). This cultural evolution gives rise to an interesting phenomenon known as ‘language standardisation’. 90% of 570 language educators used the standard language daily (viz. It is the choices societies make that result in differing languages. Primarily concerned with the evolution of specific human languages, standardisation can only occur when a society has an existing cultivation of their own language and communicative methods. Deumert (2004) states that linguistically- oriented approach to language standardization have often concentrated on the identification of the regional and/or social dialects which form the phonological, morphological, Vol. Hence, we must remember that the language form chosen by a society is not necessarily because it is the strongest, but could be simply because it is the form used by the upper class and hence viewed in higher regard. Penguin, 2000, (Peter Elbow, Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing. They further noted: “…it seems appropriate to speak more abstractly of standardisation as an ideology, and a standard language as an idea in the mind rather than a reality—a set of abstract norms to which actual usage may conform to a greater or lesser extent.” (p. 19). In addition, standard languages are also discursive projects, and standardization processes are typically accompanied by the development of specific discourse practices. Accessed 1 April 2017. It has been widely documented and is now generally recognized that the study of standardisation is primarily about ideologies and hegemonies pertaining to language. More people speak a variety of Chinese as a "For one important example of the push/pull between divergence and standardization--and between vernacular language and writing--I'll summarize the Literacy Story... about Charlemagne, Alcuin, and Latin. Fairclough, Norman. “Standardization” of Language in ELT Context. Language unification, standardization and corpus development imply a sophisticated national or collective effort which has to deal with philosophical, political — and technical — issues. Overall, the whole process aims to create a ‘melting pot’ environment, homogenising a certain culture that comes with the language. Deumert, Ana. Finally, we must be wary of automatically forming relations between the upper class and standard forms of language. It is a three-step process of standardising literacy/script, vocabulary, and then digital rendering (i.e. Language and power: An introduction to institutional discourse. Routledge, 2000. British Library, n.d.. http://www.bl.uk/learning/langlit/sounds/find-out-more/received-pronunciation/. Oxford University Press, 2012, Ana Deumert, Language Standardization, and Language Change: The Dynamics of Cape Dutch. Software languages will evolve over time just like software applications do. March 2015, Dudleylm.files.wordpress.com. Another interesting point relates to the superiority of specific language forms. The latter, in contrast, are then stigmatized for using non-standard dialects. Journal of, Thomas, Tiffany. selection and codification) as well as the social and communicative functions of language (status planning, i.e. Therefore, language standardisation is never stagnant or complete, but will continue revising itself as long as the language is still in use. A Little Book of Language. This paper deals with the concepts of language planning and language standardization which are in direct relation with the concept language policy. Rihanna’s ‘Work’ Lyrics Use Creole & Patois, Totally Confusing Music. Getting It: Language standardisation and the Industrial Revolution. However, resulting from this diversity was the lack of a cultural or political power to unify the nation (until recently), as so, the language community was divided into dialects, fourteen sub-dialects, and numerous local varieties that each belong to different communities within the country (Elkartea 21). Standardization or standardization is a process that takes place in stages; was not completely finished. To conclude, as societies grow and evolve over the years, its language form will face similar changes. With increasing literacy rates to match this language demand, citizens could advance from primary to secondary level, manufacturing-related occupations. Structural Features of Language and Language Use ... of standardization in technical set-tings. Chinese languages, principal language group of eastern Asia, belonging to the Sino-Tibetan language family. standardization definition: 1. the process of making things of the same type all have the same basic features: 2. the process…. Subsequently, where language standardisation found to be delayed, industrialisation came into play (Dudley 1). Formulation, Codification, Elaboration, and Implementation. They enforce authority towards this language by codifying it—directly and indirectly—through authorised documents, media publications, and discrimination against other forms of language. Hence, the dispersal of a language must be credited to its respective speakers—people, and their practices and customs—and not the core of language itself. Yale University Press, 2010. Pop quiz: Do you know the difference between an interpreter and a translator?It’s a foundational definition in the language industry, but the two can be easy to mix up. Thus, those who refuse or cannot acquire the standard language properly are marginalised in the society, further widening the language gap. Although there is a link between social standing and standard language, in that the upper class can influence the selection of language form (as enunciated in previous sections), one does not always translate into the other. Following, the society must then express a desire for uniformity by filtering out any irregularities and establishing a consistent communication system between individuals. S. Rayjashree of the Project on Modernization and Language Development at the Institute of Culture and Communication, East-West Center, Honolulu, for what I … We use language and that language is a part of society. would be the ones to spread the use of this standard language. 3.3 The Process of Language Standardization Standardization is a necessary and vital process in any language. The term re-standardization refers to the ways in which a language may be reshaped by its speakers and writers. Second, he then proposed the following series of changes: Unfortunately, Mitxelena’s proposals were not met with instant consent. Manufacturing-Related occupations is a part of society life for almost all languages publications, and then digital rendering i.e. Some features of this standard language daily ( viz course of development that produces both good bad. Software applications do efficient communication and assimilation within a larger social group ( e.g networks proved important... 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