Are you willing to deal with difficult emotions? More productivity. Twenty seconds of awkwardness or fear is all you need. If you use an alarm clock, put the alarm or your phone on the opposite side of the room so you’re forced to get out of bed in order to stop the beeping. You want to be completely mindful of the people around you; and you also want to give your mind room to begin creating ideas for your next morning. Nutrition experts have said that a healthy breakfast is key to start your day. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Most people are objects that are being acted upon by either the external world or their own body. You can attract the most incredible people and experiences to you. You need to raise your standards and get better inputs and nutrition. Your evening can become the most spiritual and deep part of your day. … This is how you consciously design your subconscious, rather than having your subconscious control you. Thus, you should be continually working on projects that push you beyond your current abilities. Personality is not something that is or should remain permanent. This will not be easy as many people tend to keep snoozing their alarm. A recovered mind translates to a recovered body. Instead, you want to put yourself in a place so that you are designing and living out your future, rather than re-creating the past. But only if you get out of your emotional and subconscious pattern. According to Benjamin Franklin, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” A life-changing morning routine doesn’t just happen. 10? When you do something new, your body will experience new emotions, and it will quickly seek its homeostasis. Also, this type of journaling isn’t inherently creative, but more reflective, factual, and analytical. Design trumps willpower. Willpower reflects internal conflict, indecisiveness, and a lack of intentional design. But in order to do so, you must live by design rather than by default. And true learning means you’ve reshaped your memories and have learned new and better ways to operate in the future. You’re not evolving. By faith, I’m talking about the conviction and resolve to bring into existence something you want to see happen. Thus making you more energetic and fresh. Life is busy. If I hadn’t written those, I wouldn’t be where I am today. There are several reasons and ways to use a journal. According to Stanford Psychologist, BJ Fogg, design trumps willpower. Remember, memories are highly emotional. “Watch your thoughts; for they become words. If you can give yourself more time, all the better. My morning routine keeps me healthy, fit, happy, and focused. Watch your character for it will become your destiny.” — Frank Outlaw. You’ll begin to feel more zest and passion for life. You must act in ways that are more reflective of the emotions you want to experience in your future, rather than living out the emotions of your past. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future.” Your nutrition is the quality of your environment — food, places, people, information, experiences. Here are the ingredients you want to start your day with. Watch your actions; for they become habits. THE MILLIONAIRE MORNING ROUTINE : Do you believe in the fact that morning decides how the day will be ! Success is what creates confidence. If you want to change your identity and personality, you must act in new ways. For example, you can lay your clothes out the night before so you don’t have to think about what you’re going to wear. Following a routine helps you to be on track to achieve your goals. It’s all in the set-up. The emotions you’ve become used to experiencing are known and predictable. “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” — Sir Ken Robinson. Failure is stepping outside of the predictability of your subconscious conditioning and creating a life of passion and purpose. If we are truly engaged in this process with passion, we might begin to emotionally experience our future through thought alone. Hydration is essential to a fully functioning brain. You can top all of this off by putting on some clothing that triggers you into a state of being awesome. In order to do truly creative work, you must embrace the unknown. Again, this is you developing your epiphany ability. Exercise Regularly. You’re stuck in the past. There is a huge emphasis these days on HUSTLING! This is how you get out of the trap of the past. That’s how you prioritize your time. You want your mind to relax and recover. So, I said, “Well, what are those things that you can do, in the morning routine, those habits in your morning routine, that will help you make more money that day?” And we put together a brand-new book, called “The Millionaire Morning” and you can go to, and I’m giving it to you for free, We’re giving you this book for free. You want your evening time to be completely present, reflective, and imaginative. The millionaire morning routine Best morning routine for a day hustler. If you make new decisions and thus experience new emotions and create new memories, then you will change your personality. The main difference between successful and normal people is they utilize the most out of their day than normal people. Willpower is for people who are still uncertain what they want to do with their lives. You can transform your identity. Mark Twain once wrote, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” That quote has become a principle that many successful people apply. But failure is not the opposite of successful. “According to research on mental rehearsal, once we immerse ourselves in that scene, changes begin to take place in our brain. People spending time consumption media is continuously increasing. If you don’t see and operate differently in the world, then you didn’t truly learn something. Truly imagine what it would feel like to have the life you want. Don’t stress on things from the past, this will reduce your productivity. Use this millionaire-vetted Morning Routine to earn more, work less, and live your perfect life TODAY! The 5-minute morning routine that will make you a successful entrepreneur. If you learn how to use your morning, it won’t surprise you if you move the needle on an important project, exercise, and read an entire book before 10 a.m. Waking up early is also easy if your evening before was truly restful and sweet. It does not matter where you are in your life right now. The reason you want to use a computer for this type of journaling is that you probably type 5 times faster than you write by hand. This will create enormous feelings of gratitude. If you simply take a few minutes to set up the environment, then the decision has already been made for you. The first thing Tony Robbins does when he wakes up is he jumps into a 57-degree Fahrenheit swimming pool. Stay committed to a personal goal for 21-days staring in a line and it’ll turn to a habit. You’re no longer going to be enslaved to the emotions that your body is currently addicted to. Sit down for breakfast with the family. This will bring a smile on your face and you’ll start the day on a good note. You simply need to make better decisions. Meditate/Stretch/Pray – Talk with God, express gratitude, counsel with Him about my day and life. This is how you create the emotions you want to experience in the future here-and-now so you can then operate from higher-level emotions than you have in the past. However, you must begin acting as an agent rather than operating as an object. Do you have a millionaire morning routine that sets you up for success?. If you check your smartphone first thing in the morning, then your body has become your mind. You want to super-hydrate your body first thing in the morning to re-energize your brain and body. You can develop a genius brain that allows you to make amazing money, create universe-denting innovations, and connect deeply with anyone in the world you choose. You’ll be in a highly creative and spiritual place while writing in your journal, because you took a few minutes to pray and meditate before you started journaling and visualizing. This is how you need to view your time. But overcoming the body in its natural tendency to turn the alarm off and pursue the warm bed is one of the biggest battle your willpower is going to face. “If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any.” — Jim Collins. You can make a change. You can pull some dental floss out and lay it on the counter so you don’t have to make the decision whether to floss or not. Therefore, if you act powerfully in the morning, you’ll have confidence which will allow you to make better decisions in your evening. 9? Take shots. Many people have a bad habit of drinking coffee in the morning to waking up their bodies. You must take your knowledge and experiences and do something with them. It can also increase weight-loss because it boosts your metabolism.

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