Thanks, I hate that time of the year again. When I offered to show them remotely they said they couldn't find the drive. True story: I don't really have friends anymore. You aren’t sticking the hair back on. Applying for jobs that require you to make an account, do a personality/behaviour/arithmetic test, enter all your qualifications manually etc etc. try again in 9 minutes, [–]soulfuljuice 119 points120 points121 points 3 years ago (13 children). I hate it too! Like and subcribe. It really helps with passing the time. We get paid the same no matter how long it takes though so maybe she has the right idea. Yes they wanted rewards. Add message | Report | See all. Fuck "doing the most with your life" or "extending your wings" and "getting out of your comfort zone." The community collects some of the most grotesque yet enjoyable imagery on the internet. If you can't get the salt kind, a dark yellow or orange bulb would work ok, I think. Yes, i adore sushi and wish i could eat it every day instead of every few months when i can justify the treat. If you gusys REEALY need me I think I can come in". It allows you to earn exclusive Gamestop couponsand insider deals that we only email to special customers. I love eating, but just day-to-day boring breakfast, lunch, and dinner or whatever is tedious and boring. But damn, is it worth it. My wife loved it. Fight their way out. I live in the city and rent is expensive. I said no, move on. Still haven't had a break longer than a weekend since then and that was in September. I f you hate being hugged, the world can be a challenging place. In today's world, personal information and data is the most valuable currency. At the same time, if paranoids can have enemies, just because the Clintons have antagonists doesn’t mean they’re innocent. We still don’t talk sometimes.”, [–]MyFirstOtherAccount 58 points59 points60 points 3 years ago (5 children), Person A: "superquickmumblesomething tomorrow? The only time I see the back of my head is during this moment. Sitting on a plane for 10 hours? I just made this reply to someone else but I figured you'll appreciate this too. Everything was better. Just let me upload my CV and a personal statement. I have a confession to make. When you were little, none of that was your problem. [–]Cuphead1 60 points61 points62 points 3 years ago (15 children). [–]shmukas 25 points26 points27 points 3 years ago (8 children). I've discovered I really prefer books over TV. Last week, a Reddit thread by user PlG3 posed a question to the internet: "If you voted for Donald Trump in 2016 but won't in 2020, what changed your mind?" If my wife leaves me, I'm done with relationships; it looks like the goddamned Hunger Games from where I stand. I guess we knew the whole time Country Club Thread 51.6k points 51.6k points 51.6k points submitted 3 hours ago by enocules to r/BlackPeopleTwitter 9 5 5 5 7 & 22 more Share 05/09/2016 09:50 am ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 Photo: Karl Fredrickson via Unsplash. If you find that your organization is the problem, it’s time to start sending out applications. Big companies can use your basic data to predict buying trends and needs-based expansions. So if that dude has a line that day or is running behind on his appointments you could be waiting an hour or more to get your haircut. how have i not thought of this sooner...i drive an hour each direction for work and i hate it. Take some time to find subreddits that you're interested in. [–]N-I_C-K 529 points530 points531 points 3 years ago (122 children), [–]lurker_bee 796 points797 points798 points 3 years ago (60 children), [–]runjimrun 404 points405 points406 points 3 years ago (42 children). Tom Pennington / Getty Images sorry for the missing punctuation. Tell me one rational reason that I shouldn't just live the same life for the rest of my life. Over time, Reddit, like many other ... “The question of a policy against hate on Reddit has been something we’ve long wrestled with,” Huffman says. Like is that your way of weeding out people? The most hated post on Reddit of all time is, predictably, more moderators telling more users to stop being jackasses and aim for the bare minimum of human decency. Finding items in my house that are cheap, but that I don't own enough of. Nonsense meetings that could have been just an email. Girl, I am right there with you! So I find a salon in a nice mall and go in. best. I hate more than anything the “here’s how the back looks” double mirror shit. [–]Portarossa 79 points80 points81 points 3 years ago (22 children). [–]thirdvertex 36 points37 points38 points 3 years ago (23 children). It's extremely common to hate the sound of your voice in recordings. Think about that. I really hate wasting time on them drying but it's so expensive to get them done every time. Fight their way out. We keep time stamps over all our work so we have an idea of when stuff gets done. Thanks, I hate that time of the year again. I just cram everything in the dishwasher. Yes...yes... Not only was I mad because it took me 15 minutes behind this person to just grab a freaking Marshadow code, I was also mad at this person because I knew that this person was dooming me and everyone else to a lifetime of having to refuse these promotions. Car maintenance items are also the worst. Being available is part of the work. dont u just hate time difference? Showers. هi feel attacked by whatever she says so i stop without telling her, i feel like i am afraid of her, i said it once when i was a kid. I’m extremely particular with the movies i watch because if i don’t like it, that’s a huge waste of like 1.5-3 hours of my life. I wish I didn’t. Then for my job at least, we don't get raises. Why can't I just be happy staying in one location for the rest of my life? 2. I looked at my lil bro’s high school work and it’s like why the fuck are they teaching him to convert lb’s to kilo’s in high school? Read a book (a slim book, one that you can slip into your pocket without it being a big deal), and whenever you find yourself reaching for your phone, read a page or two. 3 2 4 6 8 2. [–][deleted] 873 points874 points875 points 3 years ago (85 children). I just feel absolutely disgusting all the time. I was originally #90 on the waitlist back in late August. It's an 8 hour shift and it takes me about 3-4 hours to finish all my paperwork moving at a very leisurely pace. I can never think of anything to make, and when i'm shopping i can't talk myself into buying anything other than frozen vegetables and cheese. It's so bad that when I finally comprehend life, I need another nap. do you think this is still something you actually want to do?" If I get 10 women to reply to me, 1 or so will, Them agreeing to the date, and actually showing up and not flaking or giving excuses before the agreed upon time? Well, are there any games you'd like to pre-order right now to ensure you get a copy on release ? I feel like I waste so much of my life working on my nails because if I don't I'll feel like an ugly slob compared to the office full of women with perfect nails that I have to spend half my life in. (I hate the ending.). And I especially wish I could go back and redo so many of them (especially those related to sports where I simply should've done much better than I did). i dont mind working. [–]Jakarith 170 points171 points172 points 3 years ago (36 children). He took his time and teased me with the flick of his tongue, and then after a good 20 minutes of oral, in the gentle, barely there style that I love, he gave me such a hot and intense orgasm. First company that makes a car where I can nap during transport gets my money. Basically the only reason a lot of us have jobs is to fill a position that is "assumed to be needed." [–]nonsufficient 174 points175 points176 points 3 years ago (21 children). While I hate waiting for the long ass speech about it to be over, I also know they probably hate saying it just as much. Hah, I suppose that 90% is a bit idealistic... [–]Tyler1492 92 points93 points94 points 3 years ago (23 children), getting ignored y 90% of the people I'm interested in, [–]StaplerLivesMatter 54 points55 points56 points 3 years ago (7 children). [–]MeleeLaijin 273 points274 points275 points 3 years ago (28 children). We found a huge tour group of Chinese folks in New York City, doing their usual routine of wearing matching hats and following a flag, when I yelled to my Girlfriend… “Look! Amen, wish we could afford for me to go P.T! For the record, I don’t hate Donald Trump the person. [–]rightinthedome 49 points50 points51 points 3 years ago (6 children). Think. [–]Socialbutterfinger 86 points87 points88 points 3 years ago (3 children). Corporate training that I've done for the past 11 years. The right guy will come along when the time's right. Gonna be okay . Posted by 2 months ago. Expectant stare. thank you. I wish I didn’t. By making the job sound horrible and then getting them to verbally agree to the horribleness of it? If 90% of your "pro-card" customers are coming from 10mi away, you could work on opening a store in that area. 1 6 1 2 2161. Then there's dry time. On the 19th on January IHE was taken down for unknown reasons, I still have not received an apology or real explanation. True story: I don't really have friends anymore. Really getting tired of "Well, see ya around". US Edition. [–]Mouse-Keyboard 28 points29 points30 points 3 years ago (4 children). Not to mention, all the time you would get back because you didn't have to wait an hour for the coffee to kick in?!?? Participants listed a lack of time or money, ... That might help you stop saying “I hate Christmas” and instead, start looking forward to December. Why can't I grow out of the past? Wow that sounded conceited as shit. [–]FalstaffsMind 20 points21 points22 points 3 years ago (3 children). Hot New Top. Now I actually look forward to getting into the car with a cup of coffee and listening to a show. Have to pay attention to it because can be damn dangerous. This comment was brought to you by audible.. [–]Asshole_from_Texas 301 points302 points303 points 3 years ago (42 children). [–]PootisSpencerHere 56 points57 points58 points 3 years ago (2 children). [–]mongolianhorse 219 points220 points221 points 3 years ago (23 children). Or you fall asleep waiting for them to dry, and get the pattern of your couch pillows in like, three of your finished nails. [–]schwagle 161 points162 points163 points 3 years ago (29 children). you, my friend, are going to the wrong barber. 54.5k. [–]BelindaTheGreat 28 points29 points30 points 3 years ago (5 children). Coronavirus News U.S. News World News Business Environment Health Social Justice. They're bad. “If you find that hating your spouse is a sustained state, the two of you should seek help to work through your issues,” MacGregor says. You will have a review and experience form here. One thought on “ Things I hate about Reddit ” sven August 13, 2014 at 4:18 pm. [–]Omadon1138 296 points297 points298 points 3 years ago (20 children), "Tell us why you want to work for WidgetCorp". Not that hard. I told them I had plans that I couldn't change, but they basically threatened to fire me if I didn't come in. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck just became available so that's next. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: You must post a clear and direct question in the title. Check to see if your local library has an overdrive service. 99. more >>, Soliciting money, goods, services, or favours is not allowed. But, we aren't perfect. [–]CerdoNotorio 35 points36 points37 points 3 years ago (4 children). It just seems like my needs have gotten simpler: someone to hang out with, go home to, and be with. [–]Ganglebot 89 points90 points91 points 3 years ago (2 children), I worked at a place that did, "tell us an interesting fact about yourself". All of them. I walk in, immediately get seated and are out of there with no small talk in 10 minutes, freshly cut, shaved, and neck-massaged for 13 dollars. I type 50x faster than the old lady who's been here forever, you know I can get way more done than her in less time. Getting gas in the car. more >>, Mods reserve the right to remove content or restrict users' posting privileges as necessary if it is deemed detrimental to the subreddit or to the experience of others. Shaking your fist at the nature of women is like shaking your fist at the Sun for gamma rays – or at a kangaroo for hopping. Megathread Bad movies. [–]GallMcOxsbig 49 points50 points51 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]Cashatoo 28 points29 points30 points 3 years ago (0 children). I feel like 90% of my free time is spent just catching up on basic errands and shit and I'm leftover with nada. Icebreakers in meetings. [–]MrZipZap 50 points51 points52 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]Apollo_08 23 points24 points25 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]PM_ME_YOUR__THIGHS 40 points41 points42 points 3 years ago (1 child). If you're really worried about being contactible in case of emergencies, a very small amount of money will buy you an absolutely basic brick of a phone that does nothing but make calls and take texts. [–]saltnotsugar 2050Answer Link204 points205 points206 points 3 years ago (8 children). [–]Syncopayshun 18 points19 points20 points 3 years ago (1 child). I hate reddit so much even though I go on it every day for news. HATE. Did I just sleep through work? And then you have to make small talk with the stylist you don't care about and have the same conversation you always do because they don't remember meeting you the other 20 times it happened. Half of the nine letters in my surname require “as-in” add-ons so as not to be mistaken for other letters, e.g. Funny because I just posted here about how I wish time would hurry up so I could go home. I've done everything from things as simple as sweeping floors to as complicated as managing an entire team. Yup. Don't make me kiss your ass before I even have the job. I always have a tea towel handy whenever I need to put a hot pan down on something, or to wipe up a spill. “V as in Victor. [–]RufusStJames 71 points72 points73 points 3 years ago (0 children). more >>, Posting, or seeking, any identifying personal information, real or fake, will result in a ban without a prior warning. Why? The motions of persuading yourself to get out of bed. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit … [–]kaze_ni_naru 33 points34 points35 points 3 years ago (10 children). Shit pay, low hours (they will never give you full time because they don't want you to have benefits). "So after hearing all of that! They're bad. I never minded dating. C'mon man, hop on the register for 30 seconds to help clear up the lines. Especially if it's something you're dreading because you just sit and ferment in your anxiety, [–]1person12 38 points39 points40 points 3 years ago (1 child). Doing the dishes. I just had an interview a couple weeks ago where it felt like the interviewer was legitimately trying to convince me not to take the position. Yeah but customer service is a bit tricky. MyFavouritePlace Tue 13-Feb-18 08:39:51. And, not to sound conceited, but I was killing it in high school. I know it's necessary and feels so good, but as a college student I wish I didn't have to sleep. If I have a legitimate performance problem, please bring it to my attention immediately, rather than at the year end review. Dating seems really tough these days. I hate driving. All of those daily frustrations are just... gone. I got so annoyed always having to go grab my charger from my bedroom and bring it to the living room, or my office, or in the car, or to school. I know most people love them but I just find a necessary evil. I used to feel this way. [–]IForgotMyFood 317 points318 points319 points 3 years ago (48 children). If you can pull this off, then you'll be studying in the interim moments of life, which adds up. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. I was explaining to my bf the other day that I don't enjoy the process of getting my nails done at all, I just enjoy how they look when they are done, and I hate how it drives me crazy when they're not. I know no one is forcing me to keep my nails done. You never know when someone you’re meeting for a quick coffee will approach you, arms open wide, coming in … [–]info90 106 points107 points108 points 3 years ago (12 children). Fuck commutes. Because being an introvert doesn’t mean you want to be alone all the time. [–]eshildaaaa 17 points18 points19 points 3 years ago* (2 children). Move on down the road. I hate these things. Adding in more senses to the equation of learning helps retention significantly. [–]karmagirl314 16 points17 points18 points 3 years ago (0 children). Myself. [–]bmx24 29050Answer Link2904 points2905 points2906 points 3 years ago (143 children), [–]AudibleNod 689 points690 points691 points 3 years ago (78 children). [–][deleted] 69 points70 points71 points 3 years ago (3 children). Hate crimes in the United States rose to their highest level in more than a decade last year, while more murders motivated by hate were recorded than ever before, the F.B.I. [–]Vervei 60 points61 points62 points 3 years ago (12 children). [–][deleted] 184 points185 points186 points 3 years ago (31 children). Why are we wasting everyone's time on these? 1 3 3 331. pinned by moderators. No one else, at least not how I like it. I think homework should never be graded, and only done if the student needs the extra practice. I die a little with every completed effort. Give me a board game and I’m happy to roll But I do. 95% Upvoted. [–]JazzManOS 62 points63 points64 points 3 years ago (1 child), "Do this captcha so we can know you're not a robot" proceeds to use this information to develop smarter robots, [–]GurlinPanteez 18240Answer Link1823 points1824 points1825 points 3 years ago (184 children). No wonder there's a cockroach infestation on my floor! Don't listen to music when walking or commuting in any sense; study these techniques in your head and just repeat stuff to yourself. [–][deleted] 25 points26 points27 points 3 years ago (6 children), Yo that sounds beautiful, I'm gonna try that tomorrow, [–]thisbuttonsucks 50 points51 points52 points 3 years ago (5 children). One time, my Chinese neighbor left their door open and I saw the horror inside: A pile of dirty laundry on the floor, a tower of dirty plates in the sink, and an overflowing trash bin. r/TIHI: Thanks, I hate it. I hate living in this body so much. Wasn't allowed to leave in case they needed something else done. [–]eddyathome 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (0 children). I shouldn't have to cancel my plans because someone else higher on the totem pole is bad with scheduling. I'm pretty sure I did no actual work from february to september of this year. Also I pick/bite if they're not polished so it doesn't even feel optional anymore. [–][deleted] 5890Answer Link588 points589 points590 points 3 years ago (44 children). Yes they wanted the digital magazine subscription. Hey man oh wow buying huh? [–]XepherX 157 points158 points159 points 3 years ago (2 children), [–]NinjaChachi 5370Answer Link536 points537 points538 points 3 years ago (29 children). And then I got in line in gamestop behind 1 person...who said yes. In the latest episode of Dear Riley I really open up about my intimacy issues, parents and how porn has negatively impacted my life. Filling out job applications. Dropped. Saying something again to someone because they didn't hear the first time. For the record, I don’t hate Donald Trump the person. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 29681 on r2-app-0087a64ac55c0accf at 2021-01-11 03:41:04.739513+00:00 running d8cca48 country code: UA. Just do the French tips I asked for and let me move on with my life! The Reddit Film Project moved Why I Hate Time Travel from COMPLETED SCRIPTS - Stories needing Directors to ONGOING SCRIPTS - Stories currently being written People who live in Hawaii, what are some misconceptions and/or things people don’t realize about island life? [–][deleted] 238 points239 points240 points 3 years ago (8 children), Then they cry "We can't find any qualified candidates!". The only part of the daily slog I actually enjoy is my shower. I hate Donald Trump the president. But the rest of the time? Honestly, Reddit. Currently on the "just browsing the internet" part of my job. Posted by 18 days ago. [–]Steelio22 27 points28 points29 points 3 years ago (0 children), But when you close your eyes while they wash your hair. You know how you're always talking about how you hate everyone? The world won't end if people can't get in touch with you for a couple of hours. [–]Bolshedik497 34 points35 points36 points 3 years ago (1 child), [–]squeeeeenis 7340Answer Link733 points734 points735 points 3 years ago* (66 children). Re fucking anything, [–]mhughes12 27 points28 points29 points 3 years ago (6 children), Making the bed. I fucking hate commuting home. like even though i do my job just fine and everything is running smoothly, because a busybody admin wants to prove hes king of management they want me to fill out hourly forms describing everything i do - all because he doesnt understand the ticket system or the work i do. more >>, Any post asking for advice should be generic and not specific to your situation alone. I feel ugly if I don't have well polished nails. Stagnant wage. I work full time and never have enough time in a day to do what I need to do. 421 comments. Every day I miss high school. [–]pudniskool 50 points51 points52 points 3 years ago (7 children). I feel like everyone just gets annoyed. [–]Pizzalover1011 15 points16 points17 points 3 years ago (0 children), Then it says you’re doing that too much! Either she's the slowest worker of all time or she's sandbagging like a motherfucker. Number 2. But you had a crazy productive first January. The room is dark and you start shivering, you’re heart is bounding. Ready Player One, a lot of different Jonathan Maberry, Feed, I have about 3 hours left of "The girl with all the gifts" (Can you see a theme) WWZ, Jim butcher, Girl in the spider's web, girl who took an eye for an eye. Wish to get out of the culinary and janitorial arts. At this point I've accepted the fact that I'm going to be single forever. You’re in bed trying to sleep. I know it's rough -- I don't mean that sarcastically; it really is difficult to wrap your mind around the idea that you can just turn it off, because our phones tend to be on pretty much all the time -- but you can do it. You know how you're always talking about how you hate everyone? Fuck these places. With a passion. It isn't something I do for fun, wasted time getting to the next thing to do. It can be. Now there's one for my nightstand, one for my desk, one for the end table by my couch, one for my truck, and one for my backpack. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Find a new group. hide. I hate wasting time on boring stuff, and boring food is the worst. The 40 hour work week is super unnecessary for certain jobs, but we perpetrate this ruse because people need money. I wish I could live in the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's like '01 and '02. Like say you're studying for a math type class, what is an example of a story you could make up? I probably spend about an hour actually working and helping guests. Go for a walk and take that with you, so you can get in touch with people if you absolutely need to, but otherwise you can just... relax. [–]noodle-face 37 points38 points39 points 3 years ago (15 children). Why isn't this higher up. i just want to leave it all and just find a job where i simply do tasks that are needed and receive money for it. [–][deleted] 142 points143 points144 points 3 years ago (18 children). Did you apply for any other jobs? I have developed a rule: if it costs less than about £3, I shouldn't be spending more than a couple of minutes looking for it. Basically sitting on my ass for an hour+ just getting to work, then start my actual job where I'm then sitting on my ass for 8-9 hours, then driving back home sitting on my ass for another hour+. Sort by. Now, at long last, I’m at an age where the truth can be told: I hate summer. working isnt miserable, jobs are. ), [–]whitecollarredneck 65 points66 points67 points 3 years ago (2 children). Ok, well btw did you want to preorder ? Create stories around the information; the more ridiculous the better. 90% of phone use is just habit, nothing more -- and doing things that annoy you out of habit isn't fun for anyone. One bad book? Never know until you try! Eating for sustenance rather than eating something really good that I enjoy. I was top of my class and hot shit, I was very successful in my sport, I had friends I genuinely loved. [–][deleted] 9 points10 points11 points 3 years ago (3 children). [–][deleted] 91 points92 points93 points 3 years ago (7 children). CLOSE. I hate time difference! card. Same here. [–]lenerz 133 points134 points135 points 3 years ago (23 children). Hot New Top Rising. [–]Khayeth 111 points112 points113 points 3 years ago* (16 children). Dry clean your work clothes. What is this? Starts out bad and only gets worse. What are some rap lyrics a dog could use to brag about having a tennis ball? To everything. There's only one barber in town that does a really good cut. [–]lenerz 21 points22 points23 points 3 years ago (0 children). Move on down the road. It’s almost like a full-time job looking for a new job, which is a real pain to balance with working the job I currently have. The title may contain two, short, necessary context sentences. If you seeking special discount you'll need to searching when special time come or holidays. 84% Upvoted. We'd make a great team. If I'm really really curious about how a story ends I just google it if I already stopped following it. [–]DarthLeon2 156 points157 points158 points 3 years ago (18 children). People who were asked: "Sell me this pen" during a job interview, how did you answer? "I swear I looked". [–]astroskag 59 points60 points61 points 3 years ago (1 child). Hillary Clinton is … I hate how this happens all the time ): Close. It helps me wake up more gently than throwing on all the lights, and if I have a headache (which is the case more often than not), it helps to sooth that too. Goddamned Hunger games from where I stand … thanks, I spend 3/4th 's of the year.! Or `` extending your wings '' and `` circular-email-content '' specific to your day when you could be doing productive... Love eating, but hate your company google 's autonomous cars iirc ] Booboogirl53 points39! Most grotesque yet enjoyable imagery on the disc I should n't have well nails... Real this is not helping me feel good about my Macy 's today. Would seriously buy many more games there if I could just take an online personality test for your.! Gamer has been burned by Sony so many times they know better than it..., food is just one of the most valuable currency you just weed out... 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